Blogger news

Tuesday 7 May 2013

AutoCAD Training

Polyline (Pl) (Draw Menu)

We can make Lines in Continuation but all Lines can be Selected as One


1.            Command       :           Pl (Enter)
2.                                                    Click start point
3.                                                    Click next point and so on (Enter) (To Finish Command)

Steps to make some Polyline with the equal Width of 1mm

1.                 Command         :           Pl (Enter)
2.                                                     Click start point
3.                                                     “W” (Enter) (For Width Option)
4.                                                     1 (Enter) Starting Width Value)
5.                                                     (Enter) (For Ending Width 1mm)
6.                                                     Click Next Point and so on (Enter)


intercad said...

Can I create a PowerPoint presentation using CAD drawings and CAD animations created from Solidworks?

Solidworks Course